Dramatics Films GmbH

Some examples of the successful collaboration between
Thomas Stammer and Hansjoerg Thurn under the roof of Dramatics.


120 min
5 Mio € Budget
Germany, Austria, Hungary


120 min
9 Mio € Budget
Germany, Austria

Treasure Island

2 x 90 min
7.8 Mio € Budget
Germany, England, Thailand

Tsokos True Crime: (Trilogy)
Zersetzt – Zerschunden – Zerbrochen

3 x 90 min
5.4 Mio € Budget
Germany, Hungary, Belgium

Our Skills

We develop concepts for modern and promising series, and we write or supervise the writing of the scripts for movies and the series.

To achieve a high level artistic look for an international audience we integrate the Production Design into the storytelling from the very beginning.

As showrunners we provide and supervise the storytelling and a film style which has the potential for the European market.

We want to cast some of the major characters with German or European actors to guarantee a strong bonding with the European audience.



Die Schatzinsel

